Sunday, 1 May 2011


While it's been quiet on the Blogging front  Chloe and I have been suffering with our first major bout of sickness. I managed to do my vomiting tidily into a bucket while Chloe messily used the main road back from the office via the car window! 

Beyond the vomiting Chloe and I suffered quite different symptoms but neither's were pleasant. We were both down at the same and out for about a week, although fortunately each of our lowest points were at different times so we were able to offer each other some support during those hours.  

Living in Dhaka has been challenging but when weak with illness the challenges seemed almost intolerable and the familiarity, comfort, cleanliness and 'normal' food of home a painfully long way away.

On our way back to to strength we were both very grateful for the refuge of the british club serving baked beans on toast and other palatable delicacies. The thought of there not being a restaurant serving anything other than curry was not a good one for a while then.

We are back to our best now though I am pleased to say and enjoying discovering more of this fascinating city.



  1. Thank God you have both regained fitness after that bout of sickness. Praying for increased strength, sound health and joyfully inspiring adventures. Best wishes.

  2. Hey guys,

    Glad to hear your health is getting back on track and that Baked beans are playing their part in sustaining you!...

    Great blog by the way...loving the photo's, fascinating stuff. Praying the adventure continues to be an enjoyable one. Aus v Bang in cricket! Good work..

    Ben is doing great.. last few weeks can be best described as amazing joy in sleep deprived daze!

    Ciao for now

    Big Love, Phil and Katie
